Other Audiology Services

Wax Removal / Cerumen Management

Cerumen, or ear wax, can be removed from the ear canal so that it does not interfere with listening or comfort, especially for individuals who wear hearing aids. Cerumen, also known as earwax, is naturally produced by the glands of the ear canal designed to moisturize the skin and protect against dust, debris and other conditions. The ear has its own natural cleaning process. However, sometimes we interfere with that process or produce more cerumen than necessary. When cerumen builds up it can cause a blockage, which may result in a pseudo hearing loss. Seeking evaluation early can help prevent more serious conditions later on. At Lake Medical Hearing Center wax removal is performed using curettes and/or suction.

Tinnitus Treatment

A tinnitus diagnosis doesn’t have to mean a life of discomfort; there are a number of treatment options that can help manage and relieve symptoms. A hearing professional can identify the underlying cause of your tinnitus and get you on the best path forward. Tinnitus is an audiological or neurological condition, in which a sound/s is heard but an external sound is not actually being produced. Tinnitus is often reported to sound like a “ringing”, “buzzing”, “humming” sound but can also sound like “crickets”, “frogs”, or other sounds. More than 25 million people experience some kind of tinnitus. Treatment for this common condition can result in improved quality of sound and life for the person living with this condition.

Auditory Training

Auditory Training is therapy for your brain and how you process information. Twelve training sessions are created based on your specific strengths and weaknesses, determined by your Auditory Processing Disorder Evaluation, and are meant to retrain your brain for better understanding of speech. We complete one training session per week, over an 12 week period, with re-evaluation at the end of the 12 weeks. Our goal is to rebuild your foundation of speech understanding and auditory processing. The brain is 3/4 of the hearing puzzle AND we can work to improve it!

Custom Hearing Products

In addition to Audiology Diagnostics and Hearing Aids, we also offer a variety of other audiology products. Including: 

  • Hearing Aid TV Streamer

  • Hearing Aid Remote Microphone

  • Custom Swim Molds

  • Custom Molded Hearing Protection

  • Custom Molds for use with Earbuds

  • Earplugs and In-Ear Monitors for Musicians

Hearing protection is especially important for musicians, but so is being able to clearly hear the music being played. Luckily, there are earplugs and monitors specifically designed to allow musicians to listen for the correct notes, pitches and keys. If you do not see something you are looking for, please call one of our knowledgeable offices and ask!

redux drying treatments

Why would my devices need a Redux Drying Treatment?

  • Hearing aids are miniaturized electronic computers which are susceptible to the humidity in the air, sweat, heat, and water from showers, pools, etc. While most hearing aids have an IP68 rating and are moisture resistant, they still are not waterproof. Water can build up in the ports of the microphones and/or receivers of devices. Just like you would suspect, moisture on the microphones can significantly impact sound quality of hearing aids. Even as little at 0.5 uL (microLiters) can impact the sound quality of your devices.

How does Redux remove all moisture?

  • By pulling a vacuum, Redux lowers the temperature at which liquids vaporize. By then applying a low level heat, safe for hearing aids and other small electronic earbuds, the liquid is vaporized and can be cycled out with fresh dry air. As the air is cycled out, it passes a humidity sensor to confirm all moisture has been pulled out of the devices. If the humidity sensor still detects moisture the process repeats.