Hearing Aid services

Hearing aid evaluation & selection

Finding the Perfect Match - Hearing loss looks different for everyone, and as a result, there are a number of hearing aid varieties on the market. Through careful evaluations and custom fittings, we’ll help you find the best device for your hearing loss needs. Based on your unique hearing loss, our doctor of audiology will pair you with the best hearing aid to fit your needs, lifestyle, and budget.

Hearing Aid Fitting & Customization

At the hearing aid fitting, you will receive the hearing aids you selected. They are programmed based on a prescription that is specific to each person’s hearing loss. The hearing professional may make adjustments after you try the hearing aids to make sure the settings and fit are ideal for you. Attitude is one important key to success with hearing aids. Hearing aid studies have shown that people who have a positive attitude do better with hearing aids. If you, as well as your spouse or family, approach your hearing aid fitting with a positive outlook you will have a much better listening experience, more quickly.

Hearing Aid Repair

Hearing aids have small working parts, and it is not uncommon over time for a hearing aid to need a repair. You may try to turn the hearing aid on in the morning and find that there is no sound; the battery door may come unhinged. These things do happen, even when the hearing aids are properly cared for. If you should experience an issue that needs repair, take the hearing aid(s) to your hearing care professional. Hearing aids come with a warranty when purchased new. If your warranty has expired, it is still possible to repair most hearing aids. Depending on the hearing aid manufacturer, this repair may come with a new year-long warranty. Dr. Lamb will provide you with details when you take your hearing aid into the office.

Followup Care / Reprogramming / Real Ear Measurements / Electroacoustic Analysis

Better hearing is a process, and we’re with you through every step of your journey with regular cleanings, maintenance, and follow-up care. Hearing aids can be adjusted to fit your sound preferences and/or changes in hearing over time. We utilize state-of-the-art equipment including Real Ear Measurement (REM) and Hearing Instrument Test (HIT) Box measures. Real Ear Measurement (REM) is the GOLD standard in hearing aid programming and adjustments. By measuring the output of your hearing aids we can ensure your hearing aids are programmed for your specific hearing needs. Our patients have reported significant improvement in their hearing after reprogramming; some even feel their hearing aids sound “like new” again. How your hearing aids are programmed is critical to how well you communicate with your family and friends. Hearing Instrument (HIT) Box measures allow us to test the circuitry function of your hearing aids to ensure the device itself is working properly so we can achieve optimal results with programming.

 Brands we partner with…

We work with all the major hearing aid brands, to be sure we can recommend the device YOU need for YOUR life.